PARTS of my letter on Palestine (HAS, April 15) that covered the Israeli slaughter of Egyptian prisoners at El Arish in June 1967, and the Israeli attack on the USS spyship Liberty, were not only cut but re-written.

Far from accepting the cover-up story that the Liberty was attacked in error, my letter stated: But June 8, 2017 is also the 50th anniversary of when, during the Six Day War, “the Israelis got by with cold-blooded premeditated murder of Americans”.

I quote Phillip F Tourney, President of the USS Liberty Veterans’ Association.

The US spy-ship Liberty had been a bit too close to El Arish where the Israeli military was engaged in a massacre of hundreds of Egyptian prisoners.

Massive force was used in an attempt to sink the ship and leave no survivors.

Those who did survive were threatened into silence as the US engaged in a total coverup.

This is a year when the silence must be broken; these stories must be told and those responsible called to account.

Thea Khamis, Stanley