WHEN Boris Johnson was Mayor of London I must say I found him a bit of a clown.

However, as he was looking after London which was well displaced from the North-East, it was of little consequence to me.

However, since his elevation to Foreign Secretary his conduct has been more alarming and, frankly, incredibly dangerous to all of the people in this country.

Being a buffoon is one thing, but when he represents the people of this country to other countries around the world one would hope for a degree of maturity, applied reason and common sense.

Instead, we have the same fool only this time he is on steroids.

His current display as the running dog of the US does very little for our standing in the world at a time when we are supposed to be reaching out following Brexit and demonstrating to all our status as self-determining country free of the shackles of EU membership.

He appears to be nothing more than a poodle of the new American administration, which seeks to start another world conflagration in support of dubious aims in Syria. A conflict that they, in the guise of the CIA, started by trying to unseat a secular head of state.

That’s something we should all reflect on.

Chris Gallacher, Ukip Redcar