MUCH like the advertisement for Jaws 2 – just when you thought it was safe to go back in water – the Labour party has decided to tear itself to pieces again.

It is getting to seem as if they never stop. And it must be demoralising for their supporters who are looking for guidance and direction.

This current coup to enlist the Unite union in the parliamentary troubles is an attempt to move the elements of power and influence towards the Corbyn wing and clearly has not worked as expected.

However, if you thought that it was only happening at the top of the party you would be very mistaken as it is happening across all strata of the party.

In the local council group there are many undercurrents between the various elements of the party caused by the Momentum elements railing against the more traditionalist Labour elements.

Just this week the traditionalist wing managed to just win a vote, by one, on the potential leadership changes of the Labour group.

Many in the party of long-standing are calling into question what the current Labour party stands for and who it represents.

Ukip, as a party, has its own issues, as do the others, but it does seem that this particular boil – although it seems to get lanced regularly – seems to fill up again very quickly.

One man’s meat is another’s poison, of course.

The question remains: who do the current Labour party speak for?

Chris Gallacher, Chairman Ukip Redcar