AS a visitor from Canada, I was told that the Yorkshire Dales were a very beautiful part of your country. They certainly are, but I was taken aback by the amount of mud on the roads.

The mud is clearly dangerous as it can cause vehicles to skid, thus endangering lives. On inquiry, I was told that spreading mud on the road is against the law.

This made me wonder why the local police did not take action to prevent this happening. Travelling to and from work and in the course of their duties they must be aware of the problem.

Again my inquiries told me that the police are under the control of the local authorities. Many of the councillors apparently are local farmers and landowners, the very people who are spreading the mud on the roads.

Is this why the police take no action?

Of less importance was that it was difficult to keep my car clean, not an attractive option for a tourist. Also a number of road signs were splattered with mud, making them difficult to read, especially after dark.

James Cookson, Ottawa, Canada.