I WAS pleased to read that Victor Connor’s surgery was successful and that he is now recuperating at home (HAS, Sept 28).

Mr Connor’s letter then made reference to me and to Geoff Bulmer, another regular writer, who he lauded as a behemoth. A behemoth is described as a powerful entity and that certainly fits Mr Bulmer’s image.

I won’t be far wrong in estimating the number of letters he has contributed and had printed this year as 50. And, of course, they follow a common thread – socialism is good and the Government is bad.

My record is much more modest. I’ve sent in more than 20 efforts and had a handful selected. The reason is patently obvious. I reject the left and the EU.

My friends amusingly ask if I’ve stopped trying to get my views across in Hear About Socialism. I’ll never do so.

DW Lacey, Durham