TO me, the lesson from the Lord Sewell story (Echo, July 27) is that everyone should be accountable.

I part company from The Northern Echo editorial when it wants to exclude the press.

The recent inquiry into the press showed how inadequate the press complaints commission was and the need to replace it with a body that has teeth.

Most of the press do not agree and clearly want to misbehave when they feel like it.

I accept that for politicians to decide on is like the pot calling the kettle black, but the press should be subject to standards imposed from outside and everyone in public life should have to face election if they are legislating for us.

The House of Lords was a hereditary institution like the monarchy. Now it is a house of patronage and that is far worse.

The scurrilous Sun newspaper has unwittingly done us all a favour if its revelations on Lord Sewell lead to its replacement.

I don’t expect this to happen because just as the press wants to do as it likes so do members of the Establishment The police are following up on the allegations on the Lord’s behaviour and it could lead to a prosecution. It is a more open question whether everyone else will be brought to account. From what I have seen pigs will fly first.

G Bulmer, Billingham.