IN his letter of June 20, Tony Kelly refers to a recent case in which a Northern Irish Christian couple faced the possibility of prison for allegedly not following the “politically correct pro-gay line”.

The fact is they discriminated against others based on their sexuality.

No matter our race, creed, colour, social class, nationality, age, sex or sexuality we are all human beings. We all have the right to be here, to be treated as human beings, to think, speak and believe as we wish.

In my view, no one has the right to oppress, abuse, debase, enslave, denigrate, demonise, torture, discriminate against or dehumanise anyone.

Unfortunately, history shows people believe their religious beliefs have precedence over the rights and freedoms of others, giving rise to such things as the caste system, anti-Semitism, the witch hunts, the Inquisition, the slave trade, the penal laws, sectarianism, segregation, apartheid and, more recently, the murder of nine black people at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal church, in South Carolina.

Discrimination based on sexual orientation is no different from discrimination based on religion, race, ethnicity, social class, sex, age or skin colour.

CT Riley, Spennymoor