I WAS surprised to read an article in the Durham County News about the dangers to blind people of pavement parking. I have written several letters to Durham County Council and Durham police about parking and bins being left on the pavement at Wynyard Grove, Green Lane, Gilesgate, Durham, all to no avail. The boys in blue have done nothing and Durham council has done nothing except a little bit of sabre rattling and certainly no action. The police and the council will not enforce the law – the job they are paid to do.

I have even contacted Ron Hogg, the police and crime commissioner, several times but it seems he is more interested in legalising drugs than dealing with these kind of problems and the everyday needs in his community.

The funny thing is I was driving my car on the approach road to Framwellgate Moor last week and spotted a lone car parked on a pavement that is rarely used by pedestrians. I do not exaggerate when I say you could have got a bus past each side of it easily, but the police were putting a ticket on it.

The police only police the laws they want to, and not the laws the public wants them to.

Peter Jefferies, Durham City