THE majority of the British people who still have the ability to think for themselves must have come to the conclusion that practically all of our problems today, and there are plenty, are the result of bad government.

As a few random examples: the Iran War, the open door immigration fiasco, passports handed out like confetti to all and sundry, Labour’s extravagant spending spree, staying with the EU and accepting its laws and never ending greedy demands.

Most of the EU’s silly laws imposed on us are puerile and ill-thought out and not conducive to our way of life in England. The list is endless.

Now we have a situation where David Cameron’s suggestions for EU reform are rebutted and Angela Merkel treats our Prime Minister as some kind of wayward child, ‘Now, now, we know what is best for the British people’.

Can one image Winston Churchill or even Margaret Thatcher accepting that?

I think not.

We should have vacated the EU long ago. If we had, some semblance of order would prevail today.

England will never be the same again.

JW Bearby, Hartlepool