IT should come as no surprise to anyone to learn that the CIA has been involved in illegal acts of torture, committing some itself and instigating others. The American security services have a long history of such criminal behaviour.

I woke up to the reality of the Americans on learning of the horrendous acts of sadistic brutality carried out by their police against the heroic members of the Earth Liberation Front (ELF).

The ELF, which included many female members, was a group of militant conservationists which strove valiantly to protect the virgin rainforest of the American North West against illegal clear-felling by powerful logging companies. The felling was in gross violation of state law, federal law and international law.

But the profits were huge and the loggers enjoyed the unconditional support and assistance of the state authorities.

The police were authorised to do whatever they liked to the protesters, and they did. One of the protesters, Dan McGowan, is still in prison (as far as I know), in appalling conditions, all for valiantly refusing to turn state’s evidence and betray his comrades.

No, anyone who still thinks that America is the “Land of the Free,” etc, needs a radical reality check.

Tony Kelly, Crook