WORKS such as A Weale’s Renegades, Hitler’s Englishmen, an authoritative account of those Britons who actively collaborated with the Third Reich during the Second World War, tell how William Joyce (aka Lord Haw Haw) was a member of the Conservative Party at the time of his execution.

Weale also shows how Oswald Mosley’s British Union of Fascists was formed within the Conservative Party, and 200 of Mosley’s supporters went onto serve within the British Free Corps, a division of the Waffen SS.

Equally, works such as C Ponting’s Churchill reveal how as the Second World War began, all Conservative MPs we ordered to surrender their shares within German companies. This was one method by which the Conservative Party funded Nazi Germany.

History shows that during the 1930s, socialists such as Michael Foot (later leader of the Labour Party) fought Mosley’s fascists in Britain; other lefties fought the fascists in Spain and in Germany. After the war Britain voted in a socialist government, while war criminals such as Mengele, Ikemen, etc, were protected by right-wing dictators within South American countries.

J Tague’s historical facts directly conflict with those provided by highly respected historians and accounts within Hansard.

C MacArt, Spennymoor