JIM TAGUE writes regarding food banks: “The mentality that the state can do everything without failing people is part of the reason we are where we are (HAS, Dec 12).“ The main reason is because the bankers were allowed to do whatever they wanted to create vast bonuses for themselves, and when their schemes collapsed enormous amounts of money had to be used by the Government to stop their employers becoming bankrupt.

The philosopher and political commentator Adam Smith is often quoted as saying, to paraphrase him, that “if everyone does what is best for himself it will be the best for everybody”.

The bankers, with their overwhelming selfish greed, have shown this idea to be long past its sell-by date. Perhaps Jim could explain why 30 years ago chief executives earned about 20 times that of their employees whereas now it is of the order of 200 times and why their salaries and bonuses have increased by about ten per cent year on year in these times of austerity.

It can’t be greed can it Jim?

Eric Gendle, Middlesbrough.