I AM afraid John Riseley (HAS, Oct 20) is mixing up AV (Alternative Vote) with STV (Single Transferable Vote).

With AV, already in use for elected mayors, you have two votes only, a first and second preference. So with AV it’s not possible for voters to put one party first, another last “and every other party in-between”, as John claims.

He campaigned for STV in 2011 – fine. But the referendum was about AV, not STV.

It is Mr Riseley and not the LibDems who proposes that parliament should implement AV in time for next year’s General Election. We accept the result of the referendum – he does not.

His idea of annual elections for MPs, with candidates’ names being drawn out of a hat, is idiotic and very expensive. Turnout would be minimal, probably below ten per cent. That is not democracy.

Chris Foote-Wood, Prospective Parliamentary LibDem candidate for Richmond.