I THOUGHT April Fool’s Day had come early when I tuned into my local radio station and heard a representative of the Yarm for Yorkshire campaign describe Stockton Council’s treatment of the town as “persecution” and a breach of human rights.

While the comments might be superficially amusing they show a total lack of common sense and perspective. They insult the millions of people who suffer real hardship and persecution because of their political or religious beliefs.

Local government in our area faces massive challenges: tackling youth unemployment and family poverty, encouraging investment and business growth, providing sustainable services for the growing number of elderly people who need support to live safely and with dignity.

They have to achieve them with severely limited resources.

If we want Stockton and Teesside to be even better places to live, work and invest in we have to tackle these realities together, use those resources responsibly and not chase rainbows.

The expensive process of boundary change and local government reorganisation should only happen when there’s clear proof it would lead to better, more costeffective services for the whole community. Despite all their bluster, the Yarm campaigners have failed to provide that evidence.

Stockton Borough Council is right to oppose public money being spent pursuing this reckless and wasteful course of action.

Cllr Michael Clark, Labour councillor for Grangefield ward, Stockton Borough Council.