I WRITE in response to Liberal Democrat Councillor Mark Wilkes’ comments regarding Labour-led Durham County Council’s decision to adopt the Living Wage only if it is affordable (Echo, July 24).

Punitive austerity measures made by the Tory/Lib Dem government mean we are now facing the biggest cuts in our history.

That is the reality and Cllr Wilkes’ comments about the Tories “reverting to type to keep the poor poor” is whimsical as both parties say they are in this together.

Paying a Living Wage is in the Labour Party manifesto and is currently opposed by Business Secretary and Lib Dem MP Vince Cable who said recently: “I support businesses that choose to pay a higher wage where it is affordable, but a pay floor completely detached from an affordable level is likely to bring job cuts.”

Cllr Wilkes said it was “disgraceful” that Labour was lobbying for a rise in the Living Wage for some employees that could possibly cost another employee his job.

What was really disgraceful was Cllr Wilkes and the Lib Dems – after the soundbites, amateur dramatics, and political posturing – voting with Labour and supporting the amendment which they had just opposed.

Principles? What Principles?

Cllr Kevin Shaw (Lab), Seaham.