IT would appear that Kev Mcstravick is willing to see the current conflict entirely from one perspective, that which excuses Israel’s disproportionate reaction to Hamas attacks (HAS, July 16). It would be reasonable to remember that Israel is the occupying force, has done everything to ensure it never returns these lands by building settlements and the obscene wall.

Taking the high moral ground while advising residents of Gaza to move out while their homes are destroyed is something only deluded Israel and its apologists could do.

We went to war with Iraq because of its noncompliance with UN resolutions. Israel is in breach of many such resolutions, as yet without any consequence.

David Leonard, Stockton.

IN reply to Kev Mcstravick (HAS, July 16), I am aware of previous attempts by Hamas to kidnap Israelis in the hope of exchanging them for Palestinian prisoners. The incident that sparked the current unrest, however, seems to have been a premeditated murder.

It was dreadful crime, but not an act of war. Prior to any investigation, Benjamin Netanyahu declared Hamas responsible, and demanded revenge. At the time of writing, one Israeli has died in the current round of violence, while more than 200 Palestinians, mostly civilians, have been killed.

Israel is not the victim in this conflict. Eventually, Hamas will stop its futile barrage of homemade rockets and the Israeli military onslaught will end.

But the oppression of the Palestinian people will continue, and this is the root of the problem.

For decades, Palestinians in the occupied territories have had their land stolen, their homes demolished and their olive trees destroyed. The Israelis deprive them of adequate water supplies, and subject them to daily humiliation, abuse and assault at checkpoints.

About 5,000 Palestinians, including a number of children, are held in Israeli jails. Many have been tortured or abused during arrest and interrogation, and are denied adequate medical care and family visits. Some are held in “administrative detention”, which means incarcerated indefinitely without trial.

Pete Winstanley, Durham.