IF anyone still believes in the special relationship we are supposed to have with the US, let them consider the following two cases:

1. Two years ago an elderly British businessman, for conducting a perfectly legitimate transaction with Iran, incurred the wrath of the American authorities, who demanded his extradition. We meekly complied, and the poor man spent the next year in appalling conditions in an American prison. He was eventually repatriated but only after being forced to grovel to the American courts as the price of his freedom; 2. At about the same time, two American aircrew, whose reckless “friendly fire” had caused the deaths of British servicemen, were the subject of a request for their attendance at the inquest in this country.

Needless to say, the Americans turned down the request with barely-concealed contempt.

That just about sums up what they think of us. In fact they think far more of the French, who have frequently put two fingers up to them – something we would never dream of doing.

Tony Kelly, Crook.