DAVID CAMERON’S failed attempts to block the appointment of Jean- Claude Juncker to the presidency of the EU Commission has made our Prime Minister a laughing stock – again. There is no stopping the relentless drive towards federalism, “ever closer political union” and the superstate.

The EU is a satanic project. Its champions bribe us by the lie that the EU guarantees our personal prosperity, and this lie becomes a threat when they add that, were we to leave the EU, the continent would be plunged into yet another catastrophic war.

Bribes, lies and threats then. The word for all this is totalitarianism. And the word is apt and true because the EU had its origin in the mind of Adolf Hitler at the start of World War II. This is not conspiracy theory.

It is not paranoia. It is fact. Here is documented proof from an authority at the highest level: In his magisterial study Hitler and Stalin: Parallel Lives, Alan Bullock gives us chapter and verse, dates and times and the names of the people involved – all authenticated by policy papers written at the time.

He writes: “As early as May 1940, Hitler’s campaign in the West had given an impetus to discussions of a European Grossraumwirtschaft – an economic sphere of influence.

“The heart of this was always seen as the Reich itself expanded by the annexation of Austria, Bohemia-Moravia, Alsace- Lorraine, Luxembourg, Belgium and the provinces ‘recovered’ from Poland. Most of Europe’s heavy industries were to be concentrated in this area. The rest of the conquered territories would produce food for the guaranteed German market. Centralised planning, including the control of credit and labour, would create an international economy tailored to suit the needs of the Germans.”

There’s a lot more. Bullock, quoting from Nazi documents of the time, adds: “All the occupied territories were required to pay levies. These had to be paid, as in all other transactions with the Germans, at an artificially high rate of exchange fixed in favour of the Reichsmark.”

That was 1940. In 2014, the people of Greece, Italy, Portugal and Spain are experiencing the agony of it under the imposed currency, the Euro. Bullock further reports: “The gold and foreign currency reserves of occupied countries were taken over and their banking systems manipulated to give the Germans control over the issue of bank notes and the granting of credits.”

There you have the origins of the European Central Bank.

And: “Industry in the occupied territories was controlled by a system of licences for raw materials and fuel; agriculture in western and south east Europe, through the local ministries of agriculture.” Nowadays it’s called the Common Agricultural Policy.

So, what Hitler, the Kaiser and Bismark all failed to achieve by force of arms, successive German Chancellors have achieved by economic muscle and the centralised bureaucracy of the EU: control of all Europe from the Baltic states to the Atlantic seaboard.

In 1945, Hitler was finally put down and all England rejoiced. This was not the end of totalitarianism, as we thought, but only its perpetuation.