DEAR SHARON Reading the column I was struck by your treasuring of small delights. Isn’t it amazing how many memories can be wrapped up in one small thing?

Just now, homemade blackberry jam is my particular small delight. As soon as I taste it I am transported back to the late 60s and early 70s when my sister and I would go blackberrying with our mam and dad. If I close my eyes I can clearly see them in front of me as I looked down this one particular lane and our Shetland sheepdog dotting about from one to the other. I can picture exactly where they were each standing. My mam would make our haul into jam, not jelly, that we would be enjoying for months.

Forty years later I have been picking blackberries with my children in exactly the same places and making them into jam, not jelly.

Judith Vincent (by email) AND after our discussions about crowded pavements and special lanes for mobile phone users and overtaking, we loved the comment from an obviously elderly gentleman who rang and said. “At my age, it’s not the overtakers I worry about, but the undertakers…”