HOORAY for Kate Bush who’s banned the use of cameraphones from her current series of triumphant comeback concerts.

“I’d much rather have contact with you,” the 56-year-old star told her fans, who readily agreed.

Maybe she just thinks it’s rude too – her singing her heart out and half the audience just flashing phone lights at the stage.

Roger Daltrey of The Who agrees – maybe it’s a generational thing. “I feel sorry for people living life through a screen and not being in the moment.”

But at weddings, football matches, concerts and who knows where else, more and more people are stepping back from the action and not just taking pictures but looking at the whole event through a lens.

What are they missing?

It’s not surprising that a recent report shows that children so used to screens, are finding it harder to read people’s emotions in real life.

Still, if they take plenty of pictures at least they’ll have something to remind them of an event they never really saw properly in the first place.