TONY Kelly is right: the massive drop in under 17s arrested is an “abnegation of responsibility,” not an excuse for the Howard League for Penal Reform to congratulate North East Police forces. (HAS, Aug 12).

A crime victim once too often, I’m not anti-police - I’m anti-bad policing.

Remember: juvenile crime is encouraged by like-minded adults, not averse to having them carry out their own dirty work – while they avoid detection.

Each can have cronies who’ll supply alibis/be witnesses.

My late, ex-GPO, ex-Air Force, ex-police civilian worker-mother narrowly avoided injury from a heavy, metal roller-skate and a glass bottle thrown at her.

For decades, beleaguered council estate and terraced-house residents’ right to live in safe, peaceful environments has been jeopardised by dangerously naïve do-gooders, whose own environments and perspectives are out of synch with those most people can afford to live in.

Disabled from middle-age, one of mum’s wise sayings was: “They can afford to be complacent - it isn’t happening to them.”

Yours, tired of this society’s neglect of the real victims.

Steve Lawson, Tow Law