GET set, as the world within Risen 3 is about to rise high above the original and its sequel, when a new threat emerges. As a young warrior attacked and deprived of your soul, you must reclaim what is lost amid the shadows spreading throughout your world.

Titan Lords delivers a gloriously unique open-world for you to discover, with no stone left unturned when it comes to detail and variety on every island, in every corner.

Those that inhabit the rich terrain are equally intriguing, from village folk to flora and fauna, creating a place where the wonders of RPG gaming can be enjoyed to full effect.

Combat at close quarters can be a bit sticky, but with a wealth of ranged and magical options in your arsenal, it’s a minor gripe to make. All things considered, within a genre that is so overpopulated it’s untrue, Risen 3 proves that when you have a solid story, exceptional game-play options and such a beautiful place to play, RPGs can still be as good as gaming gets these days.