Emergency services were scrambled to help a boat in distress off Hartlepool marina as it crashed onto the rocks.

The incident began at 5.15pm and the coastguard and RNLI were both alerted.

Lifeboats were despatched to offer assistance and help get the five people onboard safely to the shore.

Thankfully, nobody was injured but everyone was checked over by the ambulance waiting nearby.

Pictures and video from the incident:

The Northern Echo: Boat sunk incidentThe Northern Echo: Boat sunk incidentThe Northern Echo: Boat sunk incidentThe Northern Echo:

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A HM Coastguard spokesperson said: "HM Coastguard coordinated the response to a vessel running aground in Hartlepool yesterday, 11 May.

"Alerted at around 5.15pm, the Coastguard Rescue Team and RNLI lifeboats from Hartlepool were sent to the scene.

"The five people onboard were recovered to shore and checked over by the ambulance service."

A spokesperson for the RNLI said: "Hartlepool RNLI volunteers were paged by Humber Coastguard at 5.20pm on Saturday May 11 to reports of a 10-metre yacht with five people on board that had suffered engine failure and had ran aground on rocks near Newburn Bridge, Hartlepool.

"Both the inshore lifeboat Solihull and all weather lifeboat Betty Huntbatch launched at 5.38pm and were on scene within a few minutes.

"In the meantime the five people aboard had been able to make there own way to the shoreline where the local Coastguard team and paramedics dealt with them."

Hartlepool RNLI inshore lifeboat helm Matt Blanchard added: "With the occupants of the yacht safely ashore and the yacht partially submerged and not recoverable the lifeboats returned to the Ferry Road lifeboat station. Always check the weather forecast and sea conditions before you set off and be prepared to change your plans or cancel the trip if the forecast is unfavourable."