Residents have expressed mixed feelings after it was announced Marks and Spencer would be opening their new store at a North East shopping centre later this month.

M&S are opening their new location in The Galleries in Washington after closing their Simply Food store on May 29.

The new store will open on May 30 a few doors down from their old branch.

Residents have reacted to the news with some saying they are looking forward to the store, while others lamented the loss of Sunderland’s branch.

This comes after it was announced the Marks and Spencer branch on High Street West in Sunderland will close on May 25.

One disappointed resident said: “Will give it a miss. Sunderland was more convenient.”

While another resident defended those who criticised the opening. They said: “People whinging because the existing store is getting bigger and better.

“As for parking, the galleries are easy to park if you go outside of core hours of 9-4. Nothing to complain about.”

Another disappointed resident said: “They should’ve kept the food store in Sunderland, lots of people relied on it.”

Another resident said: “I personally am looking forward to the new shop.”

M&S thanked customers for their patience and said they cannot wait to welcome them to stores.

A M&S spokesperson said: “It's official... Our bigger, better, fresher and NEW ‘The Galleries Washington’ store opens their doors on Thursday 30 May at 9am!

“Our current ‘Washington Galleries Simply Food’ store will be closing on Wednesday 29 May.

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“We would like to say a BIG thank you to all our customers for your patience while we create your fantastic new shopping experience! We can’t wait to welcome you to our new store!

“And you won’t have far to walk…! Our new home will be located only a few stores down from your current Simply Foods.

“Stay tuned to your friendly Facebook page as the takeover commences and keep your eyes peeled for some exciting sneak peak information coming soon!”