Two men have been arrested after a large cannabis grow was uncovered at a County Durham property.

Durham police have confirmed they executed a warrant at an address in Langley Park.

They seized 600 cannabis plants, spanning eight rooms, in the raid.

The Northern Echo: Two men have been arrested after a large cannabis grow was uncovered at a property in Langley Park,They added two males were arrested at the scene.

A Durham police spokesperson said: “Officers from Consett, Stanley and Chester-le-Street Neighbourhood teams have executed a magistrates warrant at an address in Langley Park.

The Northern Echo: Two men have been arrested after a large cannabis grow was uncovered at a property in Langley Park,

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The Northern Echo: Two men have been arrested after a large cannabis grow was uncovered at a property in Langley Park,

“The warrant was granted due to intelligence received from members of the public and our “Police Intelligence Unit regarding suspicious activity at the property.

“Officers found just under 600 cannabis plants spanning eight rooms. Two males were arrested at the scene and taken to custody.

“Northern Power grid attended due to the electricity being bypassed. Bypassing electricity can cause serious risk of fire to the address and surrounding properties. The electrics were made safe so officers could begin to dismantle the grow.”