A North East football club has moved a step closer to restoring their clubhouse nearly a year after they were the victim of arson.

Thornaby FC suffered an arson attack in June last year which saw the main stand, shop, office block and community room all damaged in the blaze.

The club has since received support from North East-based Oakes Energy, along with Smith Brothers Stores and Wolseley Group, over the past ten months.

The Northern Echo: Credit THORNABY FOOTBALL CLUB

They have donated and installed equipment such as water heaters pipework, toilets, and sinks at the ground.

Thornaby FC has taken the next step in the resurrection of its clubhouse, thanks to support shown from Oakes Energy services.

Following an arson attack in June 2023, the Thornaby FC community was left devasted and faced a mountain to climb when sections of its stadium, Teessdale Park, had been burnt to the ground. The main stand, shop, office block and community room all required a major rebuild, which led to representatives at the club reaching out online in a call for help.

Trevor Wing, chief executive at Thornaby FC, said: “The service from Oakes and its partners has been absolutely fantastic and we’re very grateful for all the work they have done over the past 10 months.

The Northern Echo: Trevor Wing (Left) with Curtis Simpson Credit: RECOGNITION PR

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“We’re hoping that our new facilities will be open to supporters and members in the community within the next few weeks.” 

Curtis Simpson, project engineer at Oakes Energy said: “After speaking to Trevor and seeing the devastation the fire had caused, we decided to come together with our partners Smith Brothers Stores Ltd and Wolseley Group and get as much as possible done for the club.

“At Oakes it’s not just about environmental sustainability, it’s also about sustainability within communities. A lot of clubs rely on volunteers, donations, and fundraising, and is a reason why we love to help when we can."