THERE is the ‘potential for some disruption’ on roads the weekend of the Dave Day celebration and Appleby Horse Fair.

On Saturday June 8, thousands of people will be making their way to Barrow to celebrate the life of Dave Myers, who died earlier this year. The Appleby Horse Fair will also be taking place between Thursday June 6 and Wednesday June 12.

Westmorland and Furness Council are encouraging all visitors to behave ‘responsibly and respectfully’ while visiting the area.

A spokesperson for the council said: “The council is working with other statutory authorities to ensure public safety and minimise community impacts arising from the events in Barrow for Dave Day and in Appleby for the annual Horse Fair.

“With so many people visiting the area, it is inevitable that there will be increased traffic levels and the potential for some disruption on local road networks.

“Temporary traffic restrictions will be in place in and around both towns to support the safety of residents, as well as the thousands of visitors expected at their respective events.

“We urge all road users to be respectful of these measures and to exercise caution on all routes into Barrow and around Appleby where slow moving, horse drawn vehicles will be present.

“We also encourage all visitors to behave responsibly and respectfully while visiting the area to help support our efforts to ensure these events are safe and enjoyable for everyone.”

Whilst MP for Barrow and Furness Simon Fell made it clear that he was looking forward to the event, he has written to the Cumbria’s Chief Constable ahead of the weekend.

In a letter Mr Fell said: “It is good that so many people are looking to celebrate Dave Myers on the 8th – he was a much loved Barrovian and an advocate for both Barrow and the wider area.

“However, I do have concerns over the resources that will be needed to keep people safe both in our community, and also on the roads to it.”

At the time of writing, between 10,000 and 16,000 people are predicted to get involved with Dave Day, which Mr Fell acknowledged would be a ‘boon’ to local businesses.

The letter adds: “The A590 and A66 will be under major strain and, as we know, a single accident can cause gridlock.

“Whilst I fully expect and hope that attendees of both events will drive and be safe on the roads, even if only half the expected bikers arrive, supervision and support will still be required.”

Mr Fell stated that he hopes for this weekend Cumbria Police will receive additional support from other forces across the North West.

“I do believe that these two events running on the same weekend in the same county, is an exceptional circumstance, which could cause major issues without additional support”, the letter adds.