A Darlington music venue has laid out their vision for the future after they received a £400,000 investment.

The Forum Music Centre on Borough Road in Darlington have said they are "delighted" to have received the sum, which totals up to £404,000 by Arts Council England.

Work is not set to begin until later this year, but plans already include a new standalone state-of-the-art recording studio with sensory and high-quality digital production in order to accommodate large ensembles and bands.

The Northern Echo: Inside The Forum in Darlington.Inside The Forum in Darlington. (Image: SARAH CALDECOTT)

The Northern Echo: The Forum, Darlington.The Forum, Darlington. (Image: SARAH CALDECOTT)

New private green room facilities, extending the kitchen and an audience viewing mezzanine are also on the cards as well as solar panels and an eco-friendly roof garden.

Founder, director and CEO Allison Mckay has expressed her joy at the news which she believes will help secure the venue for the next generation.

Speaking about her delight at being awarded the investment, Allison said: "This is an exciting phase of growth for our much-loved music and arts venue.

The Northern Echo: The Forum in Darlington.The Forum in Darlington. (Image: SARAH CALDECOTT)

The Northern Echo: The Forum, Darlington.The Forum, Darlington. (Image: SARAH CALDECOTT)

"We have spent years sticking plasters on the building and trying to do the best we can with the state it has been in. It's lovely to have the opportunity to invest and make the building more fit for for purpose.

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The Northern Echo: The Forum in Darlington.The Forum in Darlington. (Image: SARAH CALDECOTT)

"It is also really a big notch up for a grassroots music venue like us - this capital funding is a real step forward as in the past they have never been highlighted.

"However, the real exciting trigger for these ambitious developments will initiate the launch of a Share Offer enabling local people to become members of The Forum through shared ownership, along with voting rights."

There is now set to be three drop-in events on June 26, July 30 and September 3 where visitors can find out more about the plans.